Lynx's Den of the issues you mentioned was with regards to public airing of 'issues' vs private emailing. One of the things which 'helps' maintain reasonable peace and comfort for all is just this feature. Public airing gives the opportunity for every 'agenda' to exacerbate the issue. It's how trolling/flaming eventuates.
Just today there was a thread where 'concerns' also included linked examples of the perceived 'issue'.....a most unfortunate situation for the hapless innocent caught up in the crossfire.
Solution? The links were removed. Why? To prevent the resulting flame and public insult.
This private resolution is generally the only way things work painlessly for all.
No-one wants to be shown to be a fool in public for getting the wrong end of the stick in one issue or's less embarrassing for all if examples, etc are quoted/referenced in private.
When the issue is about ratings/fairness/elegibility of, etc .... don't forget that it would be doing EVERYONE a disservice if the site admins/moderators were to be excluded from the rating process....not when by and large they are the most experienced in the field of skinning - their opinions 'should' be valued more than a casual drive-by rater.
I'll use that same example I have used before.....ask anyone you like within the LiteSTEP community....would they prefer a rating/critique from a person who has used and skinned for Litestep for about 8 years and currently is running the shell...or perhaps some newbie who has NEVER digressed from Explorer in his/her life and looks at a pretty jpg of the GUI shell and says 'very nice' and rates it whatever average it currently had?
Would you give the latter responsibility for what does or does not appear on the site?
When someone passes judgement on any work/object/skin/wall/whatever'd like to think it was from a position of competence/understanding.
Possibly a good example of rating good sense is within the 'screenshot' section...wher [through misfortune... ] I seem to be approving/moderating the lion's share. They almost never need to be viewed by more than one person before being deemed suitable or, etc is fairly easy to determine, etc. Being a skinner I see GUI layouts/compositions/styles daily.... possibly more so than the 'user-only' might...and can readily determine whether a collection of skins used in a screenshot makes for a good 'suite' or not...or whether it's hackneyed or predictable...and ratings mostly end up between about 5 and 8 ... but none is rejected for 'quality' as their prime function is aas a 'tool'...that may be being used by the uploader to show to another person/skinner a specific detail.
What I find amusing though is the person who misses this fact and rates the screenshot as if it were a failed work of art.....I have one of those has 3 ratings of '1' ... which is about as silly as ratings ever get. I'd be just as happy if it were rated '10' or '0' ....means long as it can be linked-to to show the people concerned what it meant.
Now I know you guys here have a microcosm of 'screenshot devotees' ... who take pleasure in comparing skin uses, etc....and that's just fine ... and I know most of them [I see the screenies and their comments] so if anything these are rated more carefully as you prefer to see them as an artform and not as the 'tool' of communication....
Anyway....I guess one thing to remember is that is 'huge' membership/visitors....and in reality if you rounded up all the nay-sayers and dissenters into one spot they are well and truly within the minority.
I even know of one 'highly placed' person who cannot fathom quite 'how' seems so tranquil compared to other sites...
No problem...whenever you need to...
BTW....'dragged', not 'drug'....